“Asset Management is an art, a fine balance between analysis and intuition, to be applied coherently with the Mission of providing a high quality personalized service binding us to those who entrusts us their assets.”


ASB Axion SICAV – BancaStato Group funds


Who we are

ASB Axion SICAV, established in 2007 by Axion SWISS Bank, is a Luxembourg Variable Capital Investment Company (SICAV) subject to the local financial authorities’ surveillance: the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). The SICAV is composed by different funds, each one independent, with own assets, targets, policies and investment strategies. The funds of the ASB Axion SICAV are UCITS (Undertaking Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) and refer to the 2009/65/CE Directive published on the 13th of January 2009 by the European Parliament. The SICAV elected the Swiss Bank Axion SWISS Bank SA as unique investment manager of the funds.


Axion SWISS Bank SA is a bank specialized in world class Private Banking services. Created in 1998, it has been part of BancaStato Group since 2010. Axion’s mission is to provide complete satisfaction for its clients through a comprehensive and high-quality asset management offering. The service is highly personalised and adapted to each individual client’s needs


AXION KEY FIGURES (31.12.2023)

  • 100% owned by BancaStato
  • A Swiss success story since 1998
  • Focused on high-quality Private Banking
  • Independent management of Luxembourg-based SICAV funds
  • Balance sheet total: CHF 1.24 billion
  • Core Tier 1 (CET1) : 27.2%
  • 74 employees


The Group: Banca dello Stato del Canton Ticino  was created in 1915 with the aim of promoting the economic development of the Canton and to offer Ticino’s population the possibility of investing their savings securely and profitably. A hundred years have passed since its creation and BancaStato has never failed in its important mission, firmly anchored in the law. Pursuant to the public mandate it received, the institution benefits from a State guarantee in the running of its business.



  • Owned by the State and the Republic of the Canton of Ticino
  • Guaranteed by the State
  • Bank created in 1915
  • Balance sheet total: CHF 17.1 billion
  • Real estate mortgages : CHF 11.8 billion
  • Core Tier 1 (CET1): 15.3%
  • 487 employees, 4 branches, 16 agencies
  • Moody’s rating Canton Ticino: Aa2


ASB Axion SICAV offers a highly professional and dynamic service through the usage of all Asset management competences and strategies available in Axion SWISS Bank. The goal is investment optimization performed through efficient vehicles as UCITS investment funds aiming to create value by systematically combining positive returns and wide diversification over time*. We believe in active management as an answer to a challenging investment environment where we have to face, since different years, the negative interest rates dilemma. In this context, many investors are seeking liquidity remuneration by increasing the risk tolerance to this strategy. To provide clients with a valid response to those needs, we wanted to develop actively managed investment funds that are not bonded to benchmarks or “buy&hold” strategies that have been very effective in the past but are mostly no longer adequate. We believe that transparency and reliability are the basics of each trusted relationship. For this reason, we will be at your side in every moment and for each need. Your interests are aligned to ours because the achievement of your goals is our success.

*Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss.


ASB Axion SICAV Organization



Registered office:

ASB Axion SICAV, 5 Allee Scheffer, L - 2520 Luxembourg

Board of Director:

  • Giampiero Marangio
  • Walter Lisetto
  • Alberto Moscato
  • Enrico Turchi
  • Gabriele Zanzi


Depositary & Paying Agent

Société Générale Luxembourg, 11 Avenue Emilie Reuter, L - 2420 Luxembourg


Investment Manager

Axion SWISS Bank SA, Viale S. Franscini 22, CH – 6901 Lugano



Axion SWISS Bank SA, Viale S. Franscini 22, CH – 6901 Lugano

BancaStato, Viale H. Guisan 5, CH-6500 Bellinzona



PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative, 2, rue Gerhard Mercator, B.P. 1443, L-1014 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


Management Company

Amundi Luxembourg S.A., 5, Allée Scheffer, L-2520 Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg


Swiss Representative

CACEIS (Switzerland) SA, Route de Signy, 35, CH-1260 Nyon / VD, Suisse


Legal Advisor

Arendt & Medernach S.A., 41°, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L - 2082 Luxembourg


5, Allée Scheffer

L-2520 Luxembourg

Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

Axion SWISS Bank Performance is our Mission
Axion SWISS Bank Performance is our Mission